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about the cartoonist - the cartoons - the publications - NCLSR - links

some links

There are a number of web sites that are relevant to this one. I'm sure this list will grow over time.

NCLSR: This is the home of National Church Life Survey Research. This research group have had an enormous impact on the church worldwide with their understanding of church attenders attitudes and behaviours. I am eternally grateful for the opportunities they offered me, their courage, wisdom and spirit of adventure.

WJK: Westminster John Knox Press published the books authored by the U.S. Congregational Life Survey team.

Federation Press: Publishers of legal texts and references.

Finch Publishing: A thoughtful little publishing house that focuses on life matters and personal development.

ACA: The Australian cartoonist's association is one of the oldest cartoonist's groups in the world. My work doesn't really fit in to their world but they are still worth a mention.

Outreach magazine: A non-denominational US publication that looks at important developments in American churches.

Stapleford Centre: An independent Christian education charity, working across the UK, that supports, nurtures and shapes Christian engagement in education.

Transforming Lives project: The aim was to raise the profile of teaching as a Christian vocation. It was set up by the Stapleford centre, and ran for six years, concluding in 2012.

Group for evangelisation: Part of an ecumenical partnership of churches across the UK, called Churches Together. Warning: Their website is a disaster.

World Vision: A wonderful organisation providing christian care where it is needed most.

Christian education publications: The publishing arm of Anglican Youthworks, the youth arm of the Anglican church in New South Wales. An arm of an arm.

St Matthias Press: A vibrant publisher that sprang from the strong evangelical community at St Matthias, and the Campus Bible Study group in the neighbouring University of New South Wales campus. St Matthias Press has gone on to become Matthias Media, establishing itself as an important player in the world of evangelical christian publishing.

Mum: My mother makes exquisite sculptures, many of which have a religious bent. I just thought I'd mention it...