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leadership - Where would we be without our captains? There is a huge emphasis placed on the leaders in our church. The impact of a leader in a congregation is usually very significant. The classic model is of a guru guy who is also politician, preacher, priest, social worker, pastor, administrator, events coordinator, husband and father (for Protestants), public figure and all round nice guy. This model is changing, dramatically in some arenas, reluctantly in others (not at all in some). Nonetheless, we (excluding a handful of hard-core anarchists) love a good leader, we'd be lost without them.

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a champion without a clueabandon shipagm title fightbalancing act
bathroom insightsbroom ministrychristian soldierschurch finance genie
church litechurch negotiationscommittee abilitycommunity involvement
conflict resolutiondragged in to the futuredrowning by exampleecclesiastical fashion victim

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