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Annual cartoon subscriptions

Get unlimited use of all of the cartoons (over 300 and increasing) for a whole year (within the terms of the license). I've created these annual licenses specifically for churches and Christian groups, providing easy and affordable access to the cartoons, for normal everyday communications.

These subscriptions are for non-profit groups, in non-commercial projects. If you need a license for a commercial or large scale project, see pay-per-cartoon.

There are two types of subscription (basically small and large).


WHO: This subscription is for small non-profit groups, like churches (obviously), and individuals like evangelists, missionaries, bloggers, students, researchers etc.
USAGE: Non-commercial publications including bulletins, newsletters, emails, blogs, reports, overheads, websites etc.
PRICE: $40 per year.

Click here for more on CHURCH annual subscriptions...


WHO: This subscription is for medium sized non-profit groups like large churches, denominational boards or sections, para-church organisations, missionary groups etc.
USAGE: Non-commercial publications including newsletters, magazines, emails, blogs, reports, overheads, websites, promotional material.
PRICE: $100 per year.

Click here for more on ENTERPRISE annual subscriptions...