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burnout in church leaders - A powerful, thoughtful response to real pain in the church community. Stress and burnout are commonplace within the ranks of church leaders, the pain is very real and extends out to their families, congregations and the leaders around them. The study leads to some recommendations on how to avoid burnout and how to treat the wounded. This book originally shipped with a board game where you had to last a full year in ministry (one complete lap of the board) without burning out.

Page 1, there are 15 images in total, 15 below...  

balancing actdrowning by examplefriends and familyget pedalling
god's guidanceleading by exampleleave me alonelife's tough
managementremembering faithrunning from responsibilityshock ministry
stress managementvery friendlywhat's with the pastor?

Page 1, there are 15 images in total, 15 above...