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shaping a future - What makes a vital, vibrant congregation? Is it just numerical growth, is it the size of the steeple, or possibly some other indicators? This book brings together many threads; huge amounts of detailed information from church attenders, church leaders and the surrounding communities. The analysis is presented using a model designed to help congregations shape their own future. These cartoons were a little difficult to render for the web, so I apologise for the patchy quality - I'll try and fix them somehow.

Page 1, there are 32 images in total, 16 below...  next >>

babe citybelonging elsewherebig steeple, no peoplebroom ministry
christian shoe-tieingchurch finance geniechurch for everybodychurch growth
church litechurch negotiationsconflict resolutioncrossing boundaries
dave loved his churchdo you read me?effective communicationgetting men to church

Page 1, there are 32 images in total, 16 above...  next >>