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why people don't go to church - Don't be fooled by the title; this book is about why people don't go to church. It deals with irrelevance, hypocrisy, restlessness and many other species-related issues. It combines church survey material with broader community survey data to pull back the veil on a key issue. It was equal second place in the National (Australian) Christian Publisher's Association Book of the Year. Wouldn't the world be a much better place if everybody went to church?

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alternative worshipanything to anyonebible based video gamesdo you take this church?
how to get them to churchhow to keep them in churchhypocrisyreminiscing
the need to flywhy dogs don't go to churchwhy friends go to churchwhy husbands go to church
why tv is better than churchworshipping at homeyou can see forever

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